A flock of sheep on Park Avenue? I saw it with my own eyes and you can, too. I’m taking off my foodie hat for a moment and putting on my cultural cap. If you live in or are visiting NYC, I encourage you to find the time to walk along Park Avenue between 52nd and 57th Streets to see the magical works of the celebrated French sculptors, Claude and Francois-Xavier Lalanne.

For over 40 years, this husband-and-wife team worked in individual yet complimentary styles. Organic and powerful, their pieces represent nature on its most simple yet iconic level. Throw in a bit of whimsy and you have the work of the Lalannes.

If you are as taken with the imagination of their sculptures as I am (and/or you love animals like I do!), you will want to look through the recently published book, Lalanne(s). It’s incredibly well done and just plain gorgeous.

The exhibit, on loan from the Paul Kasmin Gallery, lasts through November 20th. It’s hard to understate what a treat it is to experience their exquisite representations of the natural world in an outdoor setting instead of a gallery. Don’t miss it!
On a side note, please excuse my lack of posting lately. I’ve begun the process of looking for a new apartment and the process has begun to take over my life! When all I really want to do is stay home and write about the exciting developments in the locavore world, I am instead out, pounding the pavement of New York City, looking at impossibly over-priced, postage stamp-sized apartments. But I will prevail! Just bear with me for a bit, especially since I have a fantastic experience to share from last weekend. I spent two days on the New York/Vermont border in Washington County, NY attending something called Farm Camp. Check back soon for the details….

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